September 19, 2022
This virtual event covers the value of nuclear energy in electricity systems and other applications, and how nuclear energy compares to alternative options of achieving a zero-carbon future.
Albany, NY. 14 April 2022
See our press release, Times Union and Adirondack Explorer write-ups.

Featured Speakers:
- Dr. James Hansen – Columbia University Earth Institute
- Keith Schue – Engineer, NY Energy & Climate Advocates
- Michael Bradshaw – Business Representative, IBEW Local 97
Renowned climate scientist James Hansen and colleagues addressed the need for New York to pursue a bold and inclusive climate strategy—one that embraces both renewables and reliable carbon-free nuclear power. The speakers discussed how to pivot away from New York Climate Action Council’s flawed Draft Scoping Plan to reliably, affordably decarbonize while providing high-quality, family-sustaining jobs built around nuclear plants.

February 7, 2023.
Dr. Stein, director of Breakthrough’s Nuclear Energy Innovation program, focuses on the technology, policy, risk, and economics of nuclear energy. He also studies complex interdisciplinary systems and decision-making in risk, resilience, and clean energy systems.
In July 2022, he co-authored Advancing Nuclear Energy: Evaluating Deployment, Investment, and Impact in America’s Clean Energy Future.
[read more]

December 20, 2022
Matt Huber is a Professor in the Department of Geography and the Environment at Syracuse University and the author of Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom and the Forces of Capital (2013) and Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Climate (2022). Matt asserts that nuclear power aligns quite well with the fundamental goals and aspiration of socialism. Embracing the view that production should optimize social benefit and “use value” over market logic and “exchange value,” he discusses how nuclear power is conducive to meeting human needs while protecting nature. He also discusses the social value of long-term union jobs over transient work from the installation of worker-less intermittent energy facilities.

- Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village in New York, NY

- Lents Cove Park in Buchanan, NY

- On Earth Day 2021, Nuclear New York illuminated New York’s decision to shut down our largest source of clean energy with a peaceful, non-intrusive projection light show

- Protest the regressive special interest group Riverkeeper for delivering the NYC electricity market to fossil interests by closing the zero-carbon, zero air pollution, safe nuclear plant, Indian Point
- Face masks and social distancing required for this family-friendly event.
Nuclear, Hydro, Solar, Wind working to clean the air.

- Astoria and Long Island City have the highest air pollution in all of New York City, known as “asthma alley.” Environmental Justice areas here are responsible for 53% of NYC electricity generation. These plants may increase output by 2x due to the closure of Indian Point.
- Route map
Climate Week NYC is an annual summit that takes place alongside the UN General Assembly, bringing together international leaders from business, government and civil society to showcase global climate action.
Energy policy decisions need to be made based on evidence, not Hollywood tropes. Unfortunately the largest source of clean energy is under threat due to economics of the U.S. shale revolution and fear spread by antinuclear groups. We will draw upon independent research to present a holistic impact assessment that evaluates the human safety, climate, and ecological impacts of electricity generation.

The most “unjust transition” is the one that DOESN’T HAPPEN. – Environmentalist & Engineer Keith Schue

- Apr 30, 2020 – 2:00pm-5:00pm – Connect the Dots – Vigil for the Closure of Indian Point Unit 2 at the corner of Vernon Blvd & 38th Ave in Long Island City
- This is the last day of operation for Indian Point Unit 2. We will meet on the East side of Vernon Blvd, at 38th Ave, in Long Island City, Queens for a socially-distanced vigil to mourn the loss of 1,000 MW of reliable clean power. Face masks & maintaining physical distance is required. We have chosen this site because Ravenswood generating station is one of many polluting power plants that stand to increase their emissions after Indian Point’s closure. The people in the neighborhood will see a higher chance of dying prematurely as a result.

- Apr 23, 2020 – 4:00pm-5:30pm EST – Zoom Teach-In on Nuclear Power with Isuru Seneviratne, Len Rodberg, and Dietmar Detering
- We will discuss the consequences of shutting down Indian Point and look at lessons learned from shutting down nuclear power in Germany and Japan. We will post the link on our site when the set-up is official.