Nuclear New York is an independent, non-partisan advocacy organization working towards a prosperous decarbonized future and nature conservation. We conduct rigorous research, education, policy advocacy, and non-intrusive activism. Nuclear New York is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Our mission is to (1) advocate for the application of nuclear energy to meet the need for reliable, emission-free energy along with well-paid meaningful work that underwrites vibrant, healthy, and prosperous communities in New York and beyond; (2) conduct research and educational activities in support of nuclear energy in New York and beyond; and (3) engage in other charitable and educational tax-exempt activities consistent with the aforementioned.
Nuclear power is indispensable for protecting nature and elevating humanity. As an electricity source, nuclear provides reliable carbon-free energy with minimal land, ecological, and human health impacts. Nuclear plants can produce electricity on demand, thereby substantially reducing the total amount of installed generation capacity, transmission infrastructure, and storage required for decarbonization. These system-level efficiencies materially lower costs to consumers. Furthermore, civilian nuclear technology can efficiently provide direct heat and hydrogen for industrial processes, produce carbon-neutral liquid fuels to decarbonize transportation, and power negative emission technologies. Nuclear plants also generate life-saving isotopes for modern medicine. Nuclear energy can usher a clean energy revolution to New York. We can act as a beacon to the rest of the world, leveraging New York’s cultural appeal.
We are an extremely diverse group of individuals with different political affiliations, economic theories, cultural backgrounds, and walks of life. We are united in advocating for evidence-based policy design and collaborate with eminent climate scientists, science communicators, environmental activists, energy investors, labor and community organizers. We invite respectful dialogue with groups skeptical of nuclear power. What’s your superpower? Analyzing energy systems, leading demonstrations, or mixing drinks? We’d love to have you join us!
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill of 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 are allocating $40 billion into the U.S. nuclear power sector over the coming decade. This tectonic shift in the landscape of federal policy marks the beginning of a new era for Made in America nuclear energy. With largely domestic supply chains and STEM workforce, nuclear has the largest economic multiplier effect of any clean energy technology. Nuclear workers in the U.S. also enjoy the highest wages of all energy sector employees and benefit from the highest rates of unionization.
If New York fails to make timely investments in firm carbon-free generation, the state will fail the next generation by not facilitating a smooth transition to a cleaner energy portfolio. Moreover, if New York hesitates to act on advanced nuclear, it will miss out on federal funding that other states receive and squander the opportunity to establish itself as a world leader in this emerging high-tech industry.
More and more scientifically-informed environmental groups are recognizing that nuclear power is necessary to fight climate change. Nuclear power can scale to the climate challenge, and advanced industrial democracies like the U.K., France, Canada, and Japan are following China and India at building new power plants. New York possesses the skills, spirit of innovation, and financial prowess to be a leader in nuclear energy.

At the Climate Action Council hearings in Brooklyn, NY offering a future of aggressive climate action, well-paid meaningful work for New Yorkers, nature conservation plus rich & vibrant communities.
May 2022
Albany, NY Press Conference featuring Dr James Hansen, IBEW Local 97, Clean Energy Jobs Coalition, and New York Energy and Climate Advocates
April 2022

Connect the Dots: Protesting Indian Point Closure at the Ravenswood Generating Station in Long Island City, NY
April 30, 2020
Co-hosting a screening of Nuclear Now in Oswego, New York, and moderating the panel discussion featuring local and state leaders and the North Atlantic States Carpenters Union.
June 2023