Thank You Indian Point

  • LoHud OpEd by the Westchester Business Council wrote:

“Over the last three years we have met with the leaders of the State Public Service Commission, NYSERDA and the state Senate and Assembly Energy and Environmental Conservation Committees to present our analyses of the dire situation that lies ahead. No one disagreed with our conclusions. Yet there was no willingness to challenge the mantra that green energy sources can and will be able to replace fossil fuel sources in less than 20 years.

[N]ot-in-my-backyard resistance to creating any new energy sources, combined with the blind push to abandon all power generation from fossil fuels threatens to create a self-induced energy shortage. This blind faith syndrome compromises the ability to maintain New York’s power grid, meet increasing demand from vehicle and thermal electrification and withstand increasingly severe weather events. It also defies the weather realities of the northeast that severely limit the effectiveness of solar and other green technologies that are in fairly wide use in warmer, sunnier areas.”

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